MJC MESA Program

Established in 1970, The Statewide California Community College MESA Program’s mission is to serve educationally and economically disadvantaged students majoring in calculus-based majors, so they can excel in math and science and attain STEM degrees from four-year institutions.

Statewide MESA programs serve more than 25,000 pre-college, community college and four-year college students in California. MESA has programs in nearly 100 community colleges in California and over 90% of community college MESA students go on to four-year colleges with STEM math-based majors.

Elana Peach-Fine
Program Director
Mondays- Fridays 8:30am-5:00pm SCC 131
Office: 209-575-6690 
Available for drop in or by appointment at: MJC MESA Appointments (office365.com)

Claudia Ramirez
MESA Counselor
Wednesdays and Thursdays 9:00am-3:00pm
Office: 209-575-6672
Available for appointment at MJC MESA Appointments (office365.com)